Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One last time and some mellow sounds

     Sat, Oct 20 was an open house at Steve's Antique Auto Restoration.  One of our club members works there so several of us showed up on a cloudy, rain threatening day to see what the place was like.  Here's some pics of the cars that showed up.

Road Rodz lined up for one last time in 2012.

The Hudson above belongs to a customer of mine as well as a customer of Steve's, Glen Kellogg.  Glen has quite a nice collection of Hudson's and a beautiful garage/shop where he stores them.

     The rains came just after I left Steve's to visit my friend Dennis, the guy who sold me the 41.  All the other club cars got wet too.   Today was wash the dirt off from that Saturday shower before I begin taking the 41 apart for the winter projects.  Rubbing dirt into the paint while leaning on the car is a good way to ruin the paint so it needed to be cleaned.  I've been wanting to record the sound of the dual exhaust system on the 41 so before the wash, I set up my camera on a stand behind the car and shot a short video with sound so others can appreciate the mellow tones of a nice sounding cam in an old Chevy 6 cylinder.  Here's a link to the video on Youtube.



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