Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Lately as I enter the shop in a quick dash to get more done on the '62 Olds, I find myself bugged by the '30 Model A Coupe.  It just sits in the Southeast corner jammed against the compressor and wedged up close to the welders, collecting sanding dust.  I try to stay focused on whatever task I am doing, but the thoughts begin to creep:  I should have welded that differently.  The rear sits too high.  The split wishbones are detracting from the overall proportion I was intending.  The '32 grill shell is too tall...

These thoughts caused me to question my plan with this Model A.  It was what I wanted when I originally mocked the car up, but am I now beginning to realize I was wrong?  So last Saturday I decided to wheel it outside and make the final judgement.  I rolled it out with the help of my little baby daughter, chocked one of the wheels and began to pace away from the car, soaking up what I see.  I walked all around it from about thirty feet, a sort of refresher course.  To my surprise and relief, it looks just as I wanted.  Proportions are spot on for a little hot rod coupe that looks almost, well... cute!


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