Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 reasons to sack the chauffeur on your wedding day

We're not in favour of anyone losing their job, least of all wedding car chauffeurs.  But we are in favour of wedding couples saving some money on their big day.  Here at Great Escape Classic Car Hire we've seen a massive increase in demand for our self drive wedding car hire services, so much so that we've decided to stop offering chauffeur wedding car hire and only provide our cars on a self drive basis.  Frankly, it seems to be what people want.

If you're not sure why the traditional chauffeur is losing out on wedding days, here are five reasons we've spotted.

1. Government Legislation
The Government is planning to update the laws covering private taxi hire to remove the exemption for wedding cars.  This longstanding exclusion has meant that cars used for weddings don't have to undergo the same checks as private hire taxi cars - `nd the same goes for the CRB checks on their drivers.  The Government wants to close this loophole, which has created a grey area also surrounding cars used for proms (they're not exempt, although many are not properly licenced).  This change, which is due to come into effect in November 2013, is expected to result in a significant reduction to the number of chauffeur wedding hire cars available in the UK because owners will not want the hassle or cost of conforming to the new legislation.

2. Value for Money
Most couples budget at least £300 per car for chauffeur driven hire, which typically buys 4-5 hours waiting time and a short drive of up to 1 hour in total.  For around half that you can hire a classic car on a self drive basis for 36 hours with a generous mileage allowance and insurance cover too.  In today's economically straightened times that's good news for wedding couples - reduced cost and more for your money.

3. More Flexible
Chauffeurs do their best to help but generally you pay for what you get - a set amount of time, specific start and finish times and a pre-defined route.  With self drive wedding car hire you don't have any of those constraints.  You're not hanging around waiting for the car to arrive on the day, you're not tied to any agenda other than your own and you choose your route, and however long or short you want it there's really no change to the cost.

4. More fun
Chauffeurs love their job, and there's a reason why - driving a classic car is great fun.  Why let the chauffeur have all the fun when you could be behind the wheel.  There is never a shortage of people queuing up to drive a self drive wedding car on your big day, make sure you're at the front of it somewhere on the big day. 

5. Dedicated Self Drive Wedding Hire Packages
The growing demand for self drive wedding cars means that companies like Great Escape Classic Car Hire have developed dedicated services for wedding couples.  Previously they had to work around relatively inflexible self drive hire periods set by classic car hire companies.  Now Great Escape offers much more flexible packages specifically designed to ensure the hire of the car can be easily worked into the rest of your plans for the big day.  This includes a unique 1.5 day hire period, so that couples can collect the car on the day before and return it the day after without paying the full 2 day price.  Great Escape also lets you add a second driver for just £25 (who can collect or return the car for you) and the company has also developed its local site network so that you are never more than 90 minutes from one of its locations - making collecting the car much easier.  Most Great Escape sites also offer a delivery and collection service. 

Great Escape Classic Car Hire has a fleet of 80 classic cars available to hire on a self drive basis for weddings from 11 UK locations.  The range includes everything from Morris Minors to Aston Martins and prices start at just £170 for wedding car hire.  For more details visit or call 01527 893733.


Unknown said...

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