Friday, July 13, 2012

Hot Rod Magazine changes for the better!

Well it is officially the first update for July and big things are happening! 

I was offered an opportunity by David Freiburger, Head editor of Hot Rod Magazine, to write for the magazine about my Expeditions There will be some never published adventures shown first in Hot Rod, then trickle their way down to the blog.

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But they are on a monthy schedule, this blog might be going to the same schedule, after the magazine comes out I will post a blog. We will see, you can always see what I am doing on my Facebook site, just search for The Automotive Archaeologist on there. 

They thought that the Daytona on the Farm story would be a great way to debut the column. So that is what is in the Sept issue. But next month and the next two after that should be completely new adventures. 

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Let me know if you know anything cool hanging out in the Mid-West or Great Lakes region, I might just come out and see it! 

You can pick up Hot Rod at most Auto Parts Stores, Grocery Stores and many other places in between.

Ryan Brutt 
The Automotive Archaeologist


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